Morbi venenatis, mauris sed posuere sollicitudin, leo mauris interdum ante, et luctus mauris erat ac lorem. Nullam suscipit commodo mauris sed pharetra. Curabitur vehicula blandit magna. Maecenas risus nunc, egestas ac quam vel, consectetur sodales tellus. Nunc eget quam id magna porta laoreet. Etiam gravida, lorem quis pellentesque facilisis, sapien felis tristique lacus, sit amet euismod libero neque quis magna. Ut sit amet ornare nibh.
Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nam egestas quam ut magna bibendum fermentum. Cras lacus felis, suscipit in mauris eu, accumsan sollicitudin dui. Sed eu mattis diam. Mauris rhoncus nunc et feugiat ullamcorper. Nunc accumsan, risus vel dignissim dignissim, orci quam facilisis neque, eget porta elit elit in nunc. Proin nec sollicitudin metus. Aenean gravida sapien auctor lectus porta facilisis. Nullam vel consequat neque, sit amet molestie tortor. Duis ullamcorper tellus sed magna pellentesque, sed luctus tellus laoreet. Aenean rhoncus ultrices dui in accumsan. Curabitur quis arcu urna. Nullam pulvinar a augue vel vulputate.
Setting up your Dog Grooming Appointment
You may give us a call or if you prefer, fill out the respective appointment form below based on your area.
In the San Antonio Area please call (210) 579-0247 or (800) 364-4520
There is NO obligation for filling out the form or giving us a call. Once we receive your request we will call you back or email you (whichever you prefer) with an estimate which includes coming out to your location and giving your best friend his massage bath & grooming. Please note that the price will be based on the information you provide at the time of your booking so please be as specific as possible to avoid any overcharges.( Ex: Size/weight of dog and how matted the hair is.)
Please Note:
Our mobile grooming vans are managed by a single groomer, therefore for the safety and healthcare of both your pet and our employee's we adhere to the following rules:
- Pet's age limit is 12 years.
- The animal must be able to stand up during the entire grooming session. (30-60 minutes aprox)
- Pet's weight limit is 100lbs.
- The minimum fee for coming out to your home is $85 +tax.
This fee is incurred even if grooming is not able to be performed because of your dog's behavior.
Thank you for understanding.
Once you decide to schedule your visit we will provide you with dates available for your area and schedule an appointment for you.
We always do our best to set up your appointment on a day/time that is convenient for you so if there is a specific time that you prefer please let us know and we will do our best to accommodate your request.
To avoid any missed appointments our standard practice is to contact you by phone, text or email a day BEFORE your appointment to confirm the time that the groomer will arrive. Please keep in mind there may be traffic on the way to your location or the groomer may take a bit longer with the previous client making sure they get the best experience possible so please give us a +/- 1 hour window.
For San Antonio area residents:
Returning Customers use this form.
New San Antonio Customers use this form.
Please Note:
Please take the time to fill out the information details for each pet. This way we can expedite your appointment scheduling and give you a better price based on each individual pet's characteristics.
The Owner Contact Information AND the 1st. dog information are both REQUIRED so please fill them out before pressing the submit button.